A few nice how to lose weight images I found:

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Image by Michael_Cline
Prototype #7: “The Pacific Northwest Rocket”
I created the “Pacific Northwest Rocket” with the intention to have many of the advantages of a traditional rocket stove, namely very clean combustion with continuous feed wood source, but lose some of the drawbacks like heavy weight and requiring high quality dry wood. Unlike African deserts where wood is extremely dry but scarce, our Pacific Northwest wood is extremely plentiful, but typically wet or rotting. In combustion terms, this translates into needing a much larger combustion chamber and better draft, and a more direct way of lighting the stove. In addition, rotting wood creates much more ash after combustion than dry-aged hardwoods, so to burn this wood the combustion chamber cannot get plugged up by ash.

The stove must be usable under any conditions, including with only poor quality wood. Because of this, it is designed to operate in three distinct modes: Rocket, Single Batch, and Hybrid, with Rocket being the preferred mode.

"Rocket": During ideal operation, the wood drops through a gravity fed hopper and burns cleanly along a large single plane in the center of the combustion chamber. As this happens, the hopper acts both as a heat-shield to recycle lost heat and dry the damp wood before it reaches the combustion chamber. During operation steam and moisture boil out of the source wood. In addition, the air intake has a heat shield which also recycles heat and makes the stove resistant to wind.

"Single Batch": To be used in varying conditions as a backpacking stove, the stove has to be capable of operating, even if poorly, under the worst conditions. To accomplish this, the bottom of the stove is an open mesh with essentially a draft tube attached. For lighting or for use with really bad wood, you throw twigs and other wood in the top and light the bottom, the bottom combustion slowly dries the remaining fuel until the stove can be used to cook on. You can even place a candle under the fuel source for lighting. Once a small area starts to light, the draft tube pulls the hot air through your remaining wet fuel to ready if for combustion. If you have wood in the hopper, this wood will eventually dry out and also allow “Rocket” operation. As a third mode of operation to consume larger wood or yield higher output power, while operating in “Rocket” mode, you can throw a few very large sticks directly into the draft tube and burn these as well in "Hybrid" mode.

The “Pacific Northwest Rocket” stands 11 inches tall, has a 3-inch wide draft tube, foldable handle, and weighs 210 grams including pan holder.

•Unlimited cooking time and extremely clean combustion with continuous gravity-fed wood in Rocket mode.
•Direct access to bottom of combustion chamber for easy lighting, and supports “single-batch” combustion if wood quality is extremely poor. Also allows ash to be shaken out during operation to keep air intakes clear.
•Burns wood segments as thick as 1-inch diameter, even larger pieces can be thrown in the draft tube for Hybrid operation.
•The hopper cooks and dries the source wood prior to combustion.
•Output power can be controlled by adding or removing fuel rods.
•Air intake is wind-neutral and heat recycling.
•Total weight 210 grams
•High output especially for a Rocket stove. Boil time estimated around ?? minutes per liter.
•Slightly bulky and does not compact, though mostly hollow so other small items can be stored in it when packed.
•Not as stable as it should be.
•Folding handle gets too hot to hold safely, though a minor redesign would resolve this.
•One additional heat shield along the handle-side of the stove may improve efficiency and safety.

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