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business travel
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Image by buckshot.jones
A fresh faced college grad is interviewing for a job. The person conducting the interview mentions that the job requires a fair amount of travel. He explains that the travel requirement is 50- 75%. Our eager candidate thinks, that’s not so bad, a couple weeks per month, expense account, nice hotels and frequent traveler perks…how can I lose? So they take the job all excited about jetting into Chicago, New York or other glamorous places. Within 60 days the job and the travel start to feel like weight. The romance is gone the first time they sit through an eight hour delay in Kansas City International. Then one day, after five or more years on the road, they become resigned to the delays and hassles of business travel. At that point their emotions even out and they have become a true travel professional. They leave all the red- faced & red assed rants to the amateurs. They know travel is hell, no sense getting worked up over it.

Bonnie Fournier
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Image by Renegade98
‘She stays alive in all of us’
Victim impact I Family members overcome by emotion as they remember their loved ones

Lori Culbert, Neal Hall and Jeff Lee
Vancouver Sun

Monday, December 10, 2007

Karin Joesbury looked up at the grey sky, tears running from her eyes, overcome by emotion upon hearing that Robert (Willie) Pickton had been convicted of the second-degree murder of her daughter Andrea.

Surrounded by relatives of the other five women Pickton was convicted of killing — and of another 20 he is accused of killing — Joesbury wept as the mournful lyrics of the song Missing played during a candlelight ceremony in front of the New Westminster Courthouse Sunday.

Andrea Joesbury’s grandfather, Jack Cummer, had asked Canadian poet Susan Musgrave to write the lyrics to the song, in memory of his granddaughter and the other missing women. Listening to the song seemed too much for Karin Joesbury to bear.

"I hope that her death doesn’t go in vain, and it will change the way we look at those most vulnerable in our society," said Joesbury, of Victoria, who described her daughter as creative and loving.

"I still have two other children who miss their sister very much …. It’s more the way she died. It’s hard to lose a child or loved one, but the way in which she was taken. I knew something was wrong but I didn’t have the money to come over and get her again [from the Downtown Eastside]. I came and got her three times. I wanted to come back but I couldn’t afford it."

Relatives and friends cried, trembled and held each other for support while listening to the song, which listed the names of 65 missing women, including the six Pickton was convicted Sunday of murdering: Joesbury, Mona Wilson, Brenda Wolfe, Georgina Papin, Sereena Abotsway, and Marnie Frey.

"Never forgotten. You were never, ever forgotten today," Bonnie Fournier, a longtime nurse in the Downtown Eastside, cried out during the candlelight ceremony.

She later said the system failed these women, and there should have been more detox services and other resources to help them get off the street.

"The government has let them down desperately," Fournier said.

Fournier hugged a weeping Tory Boen, the emotional son of missing woman Yvonne Boen, telling him: "I loved your mom."

Cynthia Cardinal and her two sisters have been in the courthouse for the last week. They were hoping for a first-degree conviction in the death of their other sister Georgina Papin but are "satisfied" with a second-degree verdict.

"I feel a lot of weight lifted off our shoulders and we can finally try to get back to our normal lives now. This has been a long and hard ordeal for us," she said, tears welling in her eyes. "We’ve had an emotional roller-coaster ride … Georgina is happy today and I can feel her here. She’s all over the place here and she’s smiling again — she had the most beautiful smile. I love you, Georgina."

She said they are anxious to finally get Georgina’s remains so they can give her a proper burial, and give the family a place to mourn.

Bonnie Fowler, Georgina’s other sister, wept as she talked about the friends of Georgina she has met since coming to New Westminster to wait for the verdict. "I’d like to thank Georgia for sharing all the gifts she’s giving us while we were here …. She stays alive in all of us and nobody can take that away."

Patty Evans held up a medicine pouch, filled with healing stones, made by her mother Elaine and given to many of the relatives of the victims in honour of her sister, Brenda Wolfe.

"I still don’t have my sister, but we have justice on her behalf. She was a beautiful person, she was loved," Evans said.

Ada Wilson said she hoped Pickton could hear her speaking because she had waited a long time to say how she felt about the murder of her sister Mona.

"He’s taken a lot away from me, he’s got no idea. But now to me it doesn’t seem fair because he’s still alive and she’s not," Wilson said. "It’s really hard around Christmas time, because that was the best time for me and her and the family."

Rick Frey, father of Marnie Frey, questioned why police didn’t catch Pickton sooner or respond more quickly to the disappearance of women from the Downtown Eastside.

"This can’t go on. Go to the east end now and it’s still the same thing. It’s appalling … there’s still people suffering," said Frey, who added he would like to see a public inquiry into the case.

Frey said he was worried the jury wouldn’t return a guilty verdict on his daughter, who disappeared in 1997 and for whom police found the least amount of evidence on the farm.

"We’re extremely fortunate we got a guilty verdict out of that," Frey said.

Sereena Abotsway’s half-brother Jay Draayers was in court Sunday to hear the verdict, but declined to speak to the media.

Just minutes before a verdict was announced, relatives of the native victims invited non-native families to a healing ceremony outside the courthouse.

"A lot of us families have been kind of segregated and we all got together and that was it. And then the verdict is coming down. I don’t know, take it as a sign," said Marilyn Kraft, whose daughter is among the 20 women at the centre of Pickton’s second trial.

This poem, read as victims’ families lit candles outside the courthouse on Sunday, was written by Betty Nordin, who knows some of the families and sex-trade workers.


She’s sitting huddled in the corner of the building

Shivering in the cold

Nobody sees her

She’s standing on the street shivering in the rain

Nobody sees her

She’s sitting in the back of a greasy cafe

Hunched over a cup of coffee

Nobody sees her

She’s waiting for a john to pick her up

Nobody sees her

She’s sitting on a filthy floor covered with used

Points, garbage and empty beer bottles

Nobody sees her

She’s lying on the cold hard ground that some

John has dumped her on

Nobody sees her

She’s puking as she slaps and prods her veins so the rig

Can give her that moment of feeling good

Nobody sees her

She’s just a junkie people say;

She’s nothing

Nobody sees her

She’s a missing, forgotten and lost girl

Nobody sees her

But today, everybody sees her

She is found in an unmarked hole in the ground

© The Vancouver Sun 2007…

Paleo Bodybuilder – Paleolithic Diet Crossfit Fitness Caveman Primal Inuit Masai Mark Sisson Robb Wolf Freetheanimal Movnat Muscle Protein Info
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Image by Paleo-Caveman-Omnivore-LowCarb-Meat-Diet-Info
Paleo Bodybuilder! – See Photo – Effects of the Paleo Diet on muscle mass.

The Paleo Diet is based upon what grok the Caveman did, and ate. Cross Fit applauds the Paleo Diet, which was ranked last by medical experts in USNEWS & WORLD REPORTS. If it wasn’t done by cavemen, then it shouldn’t be done by you.

This is why if you join crossfit, you don’t shower after working out and getting sweaty. Afterall, Cavemen didn’t have showers. Or soap. So in order to preserve the bacteria, you should wear it. Don’t worry, crossfit gyms have something called a "crossfit puke bucket" if either the smell of paleo B.O. or the horrible taste of raw organ meats makes you have to throw up.

Crossfit Fitness palaces have pukebuckets because the paleo diet is hard on the human body, and wrecks cardio and endurance, so even a light-weight workout of burpees often makes crossfitters throw up. Then lie on the floor full of sweat because they are mentally and athletically exhausted. Paleo and Crossfit make your muscle dwindle, because the paleo diet is catabolic. Without enough carbs, your body needs to cannibalize something else. First it’s fat. This is why those on lowcarb atkins paleo ketogenic diets often report losing weight, at first, but then these diets exhaust the fat and begin using protein as fuel. Yes, that means if you go on a Paleo diet, or lowcarb, or atkins, you’re essentially "teaching your body to eat away at your own muscle". By eating high protein, your body now thinks protein is fuel. What else is made of protein? Muscles. So you’ve taught your body to eat it’s own muscles, decreasing their mass. Paleo and lowcarb, deprivation of grains and carbs, is the opposite of what you want for bodybuilding. Picture african tribes, they’re all skinny and sinewy. Like the physique of a marathon runner, not a bodybuilder.

Thus the Paleo Diet and Crossfit have become the laughing-stock of the fitness world, akin to things like "The Shake Weight!" with so many testimonials of people saying how "it works!" and "It worked for me! I lost weight!". Of course if you believe anecdotes and before and afters and chat board commenters, then every infomercial and fitness contraption and diet plan are the "best" right? Because they ALL have pictures of before and after, and people absolutely VOWING up and down that it worked for them. Watch for people touting crossfit and paleo like this. You’ll see it. Meanwhile they’re teaching their bodies to deplete their muscle. It’s catabolic.

And with the estrogenic effects of the compounds now found in steak, including grassfed beef, and even organic meat, men who eat grassfed beef, especially barbequed, begin to grow more effeminate due to the effects of heterocyclic amines only found in meat, such as "PhIP". PhIP which is in grassfed meat and steak has effects like feminine estrogen on males. This is why Crossfit Paleo Diets lack the proper nutrients and come up deficient for bodybuilding and ranked last among diets in terms of human health.

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